Friday, April 13, 2018

Golang Web Server Auth

An example of authentication and authorization in a simple web server written in go.



As described in my previous blog post, I recently rewrote my image viewer desktop app as a web app, for which I wrote the web server in go.

Since I was adding a new potential attack vector, I wanted to add security; but since this is only available on my internal network, and it's not critically valuable data, I did not need enterprise-grade security. In this post I describe how I implemented a relatively simple authentication and authorization mechanism, in particular highlighting the features of go I used that made that easy to do. For a simple app such as this one, the third of the three As of security, auditing, can be done with simple logging if desired.

The code I present here is taken from the github repo for my mimsrv project, with links to specific commits and versions of various files. You can visit that project if you'd like to see more of the code than I present in this post.

Before Auth

Go has good support for writing simple web servers. The net.http package allows setting up a web server that routes requests based on path to specific functions. In the first commit for mimsrv, before there was any code for authentication or authorization, the http processing code looked like this:

In mimsrv.go:
func main() { ... mux := http.NewServeMux() ... mux.Handle("/api/", api.NewHandler(...)) ... log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)) }
In api/api.go:
func NewHandler(c *Config) http.Handler { h := handler{config: c} mux := http.NewServeMux() mux.HandleFunc(h.apiPrefix("list"), h.list) mux.HandleFunc(h.apiPrefix("image"), h.image) mux.HandleFunc(h.apiPrefix("text"), h.text) return mux } func (h *handler) list(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ... }
The above two functions set up the routing and start the web server. The code in mimsrv.go creates a top-level router (mux) that routes any request with a path starting with "/api/" to the api handler that is created by the NewHandler function in api.go. The top-level router also defines routes for other top-level paths, such as "/ui/" for delivering the UI files.

The api code in turn sets up the second-level routing for all of the paths within /api (the h.apiPrefix function adds "/api/" to its argument). So when I make a request with the path /api/list, the main mux passes the request to the api mux, which then calls the h.list function.

Adding Authentication

To implement authentication in mimsrv, I added a new "auth" package with three files, and modified mimsrv.go to use that new auth package. The most interesting part of this change is that it implements the enforcement of the constraint that all requests to any path starting with "/api/" must be authenticated, yet I did not have to make any changes to any of the api code that services those requests.

When I originally wrote my request routing code, it could have been simpler if I had defined everything in one mux. I didn't do that because I think the approach I took provides better modularity, but in addition, that structure made it easy for me to require authentication for all of the api calls.

The authentication code itself is not trivial, but wiring that code into the request routing to enforce authentication for whole chunks of the request path space was. I wrote a wrapper function and inserted it in the middle of the request-handling flow for requests where I wanted to require authentication.

To wire in the authentication requirement for all requests starting with "/api/", I changed mimsrv.go to replace this line:
mux.Handle("/api/", api.NewHandler(...))
with these lines:
apiHandler := api.NewHandler(...)) mux.Handle("/api/", authHandler.RequireAuth(apiHandler))
Here is the RequireAuth method from the newly added auth.go:
func (h *Handler) RequireAuth(httpHandler http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ token := cookieValue(r, tokenCookieName) idstr := clientIdString(r) if isValidToken(token, idstr) { httpHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r) } else { // No token, or token is not valid http.Error(w, "Invalid token", http.StatusUnauthorized) } }) }
The RequireAuth function looks at a cookie to see if the user is currently logged in (which means the user has been authenticated). If so, RequireAuth calls the handler it was passed, which in this case is the one created by api.NewHandler. If not, then RequireAuth calls http.Error, which prevents the request from being fulfilled and instead returns an authorization error to the web caller. When the mimsrv client gets this error it displays a login dialog.

The other code I added handles things like login, logout, and cookie renewal and expiration, but all of that code other than RequireAuth is specific to my implementation of authentication. You could instead, for example, use OAuth to authenticate, in which case you would have a completely different mechanism for authenticating a user, but you could still use a function similar to RequireAuth and wire it in the same way.

Adding Authorization

Wrapping selected request paths as described above makes it so that authentication provides authorization for those requests. This coarse-grained authorization is a good start, but for mimsrv I wanted to be able to use fine-grained authorization as well. As this is a simple program with a very small number of users, I don't need anything sophisticated such as role-based authorization. I chose to implement a model in which I only define permissions for global actions, then assign those permissions directly to users.

For this simple permissions model, I needed to be able to define permissions, assign them to users, and check them at run-time before performing an action that requires authorization. My permissions are simple strings, stored in a column in the CSV file that defines my users. To give a permission to a user, I manually edit that CSV file, and to check for authorization before taking an action, the code looks for that permission string in the set of permissions for the current user.

The one piece that is not obvious is how to pass the user's permissions to the code that needs to check them. The reason this is not obvious is because the http routing package defines the function signature for the functions that process an http request, and that function signature includes only the request and a writer for the response. You can't simply add another argument in which you pass your user information, so you have to dig a little deeper to figure out how to pass along that information.

The solution relies on the fact that there is a Context attached to the Request that is passed to the handler function. By adding the user info to the Context, you can then extract that information further along in the processing when you need to check the permission.

The RequireAuth function validates that the user making the request is authenticated, so it already has information about who the user is, and this is the point at which we want to add the user info to the Context. We do this in our RequireAuth function by replacing this line:
httpHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
with these lines:
user := userFromToken(token) mimRequest := requestWithContextUser(r, user) httpHandler.ServeHTTP(w, mimRequest) func requestWithContextUser(r *http.Request, user *users.User) *http.Request { mimContext := context.WithValue(r.Context(), ctxUserKey, user) return r.WithContext(mimContext) }
When the code needs to know whether the current user is authorized for an action, it can call the new CurrentUser function, which retrieves the user info from the Context attached to the Request, from which the code can query the user's permissions:
func CurrentUser(r *http.Request) *users.User { v := r.Context().Value(ctxUserKey) if v == nil { return nil } return v.(*users.User) }


While implementing authentication and authorization in a web server takes more than just a few lines of code, at least the part about how it gets tied in to the http processing in go is only a few lines. Although that part is only a few lines of code, it took me a while to dig around and find exactly how to do that. I hope that this article can save some other people a bit of time when doing their own research on how to add auth to a go web server.

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